The Blog
the skies over Emeryville . . .
They were completely lit up last night.
I don't often go that way home, but was glad I did.
That magical moment . . .
There is not much I love more than going to the movies. (Almost) doesn't matter what movie it is. Trust me, with two little girls, I've seen movies I would NEVER normally see. Yet, in EVERY film, there is that moment , the same moment every time. My favorite instant of each and every film. . . . The lights go down, the UNIVERSAL logo fades up, and the familiar fanfare vibrates through your entire body. It's the moment where anything is possible . My hopes are up that I could potentially see , feel, experience something I've never experienced before. The HOPE that I will be upset when the movie ends because I can never see it again for the "first time".
Unfortunately, I usually horribly disappointed, but on those rare times, it's magical.