I had the pleasure of photographing this wonderful family that just increased by 2 with the addition of two little ones named Chip and Dale . Dads, Lance and Michael, are animal activists and do so much to help animals in need. They were so wonderful and told me the story of how they were just fostering these two little ones until they found homes for them. Well, after housing these two pups for just a couple of weeks, it was clear, Chip and Dale weren't going anywhere! While Chip and Dale warmed up to me right away, it was harder to gain the trust of Lilly, their older protective sister always staying "nearby" to watch over things, but not giving me the full "you're ok" :) . I think all 3 dogs (and their dads) shined in their photoshoots.
If you'd like to adopt a dog, foster one, or simply donate, you can go to Vanderpump Dogs www.vanderpumpdogs.org
To see more of Chip and Dale, you can follow them at www.instagram.com/chipanddalepups
To see Michael's artwork you can go to michaelturchinart.com
Follow Lance at www.instagram.com/lancebass/